Case Studies

Examples of Value Delivered

IoT and Supply Chain Optimization

Implemented demand forecasting for one of the leading pool-chemical suppliers in the United States. With pools partially sensor-equipped, usage was affected by multiple factors.

Intelligent Automation Applied to Customer Feedback

Using Natural Language Processing built a pipeline to track and discover topics discussed by customers across different channels.

Uplift Analysis For E-Commerce

Built a causal inference pipeline to categorize customers most likely to accept or reject an offering.

Intelligent Automation In Cost Estimation

Using computer vision we automated the process of interpreting schematic drawings of oil refineries for the purposes of extracting a bill of materials.

AI Strategic Guidance

Provided guidance to an AI executive from the healthcare industry in building a body region detection system from medical images.

E-Commerce Personalization

Working with a Fortune 500 company, built an auto-ml pipeline to assess potential for personalization and publish the best performing approach.

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